José María Ramos Mejía y Las multitudes argentinas, la construcción del patriotismo finisecular


  • Laura Guic Universidad del Salvador; Universidad Nacional de Lanús


Estado, ideología, patriotismo, dirigencia finisecular, José María Ramos Mejía


This article summarizes the approaches around the dispute over patriotism and nationalism of the Argentine turn-of-the-century leadership, embodied in the speech of one of its participants, the doctor José María Ramos Mejía, who from his medical expertise, defines in his work Most cited, The Argentine multitudes, that other to govrn, in times of consolidation of the State, establishing both the diagnosis of the so-called immigrant question, as well as the necessary response, through education. In discussion with nationalism and Mitrist history, where the crowd will be, so to define it, the political actor that operates from the emancipation of the monarchy, towards the present of the leader. In a clear political intervention, he seeks a patriotism from where he legitimates himself as a leader and defines in his speech, part of the dictionary of the time.


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Como Citar

Guic, L. (2022). José María Ramos Mejía y Las multitudes argentinas, la construcción del patriotismo finisecular. Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, 1(29), 45–70. Obtido de


