La tribu de Catriel y el título de su ocupación territorial en el espacio fronterizo del Arroyo Azul (1832-1875)


  • Guillermo Palombo Academia Nacional de la Historia. Grupo de Trabajo de Historia Militar


Propiedad indígena, Beneficio, Restricciones al dominio, Tratados


From the end of 1832 the lelfunche tribe of Catriel occupied in the province of Buenos Aires fields to the south and the west of the Stream Tapalqué, but including part of the stays of the party of Blue, generating controversies about the true nature of such occupation . The caciques claimed to be their rightful owners. Juan Manuel de Rosas, during his administration, without questioning the title, argued that the fields located within the frontier line had been acquired by the State by virtue of a sale and payment made through compensation consisting of the regular delivery of various commodities and livestock for rationing. After Caseros, the first, and then national, provincial authorities did not recognize this tribe an original right to territorial property, and were granted as mere beneficiaries of a grace or mercy whose cancellation operated in 1875 for non-compliance with conditions agreed in a convention concluded that year. The present work tries to shed light on the glassy process concerning so important a question.


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Como Citar

Palombo, G. (2017). La tribu de Catriel y el título de su ocupación territorial en el espacio fronterizo del Arroyo Azul (1832-1875). Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, 2(25), 56–95. Obtido de


