Estado, Universidad y política en la modernización argentina, 1927-1930. El aporte de lo regional al proceso nacional


  • Miguel Ángel L De Marco Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina; Argentina


Political history, superior education, state modernization, Santa Fe, Rafael Bielsa


The article explores the works and times of Rafael Bielsa, one of the members of the socalled “Juridical Generation of 1925”, his fi ght against the “positivism”, and for the reform of the justice system, and his critics to the wrong political practice he calls as “caciquismo”. However the articles shares a research about Bielsa´s lost fi rst works, specially those refered to the University Reforms of 1918, in the Universidad Nacional del Litoral; and his fi rst times in as the Dean of the Economical, Comercial and Political Ciencies Faculty in Rosario City, as a experimental fi eld used by him to apply his ideas about the argentine superior teaching modernization, from 1918 to the revolution of 1930`s.


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How to Cite

De Marco, M. Ángel L. (2007). Estado, Universidad y política en la modernización argentina, 1927-1930. El aporte de lo regional al proceso nacional. Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, (11), 49–80. Retrieved from


