Un nuevo espacio de poder: las milicias en San Luis Potosí a finales del período colonial (1767–1810)


  • Juan José Benavides Martínez Universidad del País Vasco. Departamento de Historia Medieval, Moderna y de América; España


San Luis Potosí, Mexico, American Militias, Borbonic’s reform, Independece


After the tumults of 1767, an armed–force called Legión de San Carlos, was created in San Luis Potosí; 28 years later, in 1795, it was replaced by another forces called Regimientos Provinciales de Dragones de San Luis y San Carlos, and finally, after the outbreak of the uprising, in 1810, these corps were replaced by regiments of cavalry and infantry. Since the borbonic reforms, the defense in the american continent was based, fundamentally, on militias, therefore, all of them were militias. The study about militias, during the colonial period, covers different aspects from social, political and regional history; thus, keeping this point of view, we will try to explain why the militias were established in San Luis Potosí, their main characteristics and the relations with the society from San Luis Potosí, under the decline of the colonial period.


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How to Cite

Benavides Martínez, J. J. (2008). Un nuevo espacio de poder: las milicias en San Luis Potosí a finales del período colonial (1767–1810). Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, (13), 39–78. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/THAA/article/view/5591


