Informes sobre las misiones franciscanas en la Nueva California: 1806-1812


  • Juan Villegas Investigador independiente; Argentina


Nueva California, población, frailes franciscanos, indios misioneros, Sacramentos, ganadería, agricultura


This article is focussed on the evangelization work carried out by the Franciscans in California. It was a huge effort to introduce the Godspell, which caused, among the different people they encountered, either acceptance –and the subsequent set up of towns and Christian communities– or rejection, thus deriving in robbery, thefts, martyrdom and every kind of diffi culties. The valuable effort of Franciscan friars shows a continuity with the evangelization work generally, which had its roots in America in the XVI century. The California experience during the fi rst years of the XIX century refl ects the continuity with the original new Spaniard ideals and efforts, supported by the Crown. In the case of California, the expansion to new frontiers occurred jointly with discovery, evangelization and colonization. Conquest was also present, with the refuges and with certain pacifi st actions against hostile communities. At present we would say this issue is also important to determine the expansion of New Spain and to establish the foundations of the History of the United States of America.


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How to Cite

Villegas, J. (2004). Informes sobre las misiones franciscanas en la Nueva California: 1806-1812. Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, (5), 203–220. Retrieved from


