Montoneros: La vía armada sobre la democrática. Los conceptos de Resistencia y Liberación en la revista Evita Montonera (1974-1979)


  • Melisa Bustos Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina ; Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales


Evita montonera, Montoneros, Peronismo-Armed groups, Military civic dictatorship


What was montonero’s political project after Perón’s death? Such is the question that tries to be answered throughout this article. With this aim, the magazine Evita Montonera enables us to get closer and reconstruct the speech directed to the peronist montonera base groups, this having been made under socialist statements towards national interest. The objectives throughout this investigation are to analyze in the montonero’s speech, the concepts of Resistance and Liberation, which allowed us to observe their link to the leftist peronist militancy between 1974 and 1979 through this publication, explaining the diverse theoretical references. The specific objective of this article is to reconstruct a point of view capable of defining and explaining the montonero’s political ideology based on the discourse analysis of the leadership’s official body.


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How to Cite

Bustos, M. (2019). Montoneros: La vía armada sobre la democrática. Los conceptos de Resistencia y Liberación en la revista Evita Montonera (1974-1979). Temas De Historia Argentina Y Americana, 2(26), 31–77. Retrieved from


