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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • La petición no ha sido publicada previamente, ni se ha presentado a otra revista (o se ha proporcionado una explicación en Comentarios al editor).
  • El archivo enviado está en formato OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, o pdf
  • Se han añadido direcciones web para las referencias donde ha sido posible.
  • El texto tiene interlineado simple; el tamaño de fuente es 12 puntos; se usa cursiva en vez de subrayado (exceptuando las direcciones URL); y todas las ilustraciones, figuras y tablas están dentro del texto en el sitio que les corresponde y no al final del todo.
  • El texto cumple con los requisitos bibliográficos y de estilo indicados en las Normas para autoras/es, que se pueden encontrar en Acerca de la revista.
  • Si esta enviando a una sección de la revista que se revisa por pares, tiene que asegurase que las instrucciones en Asegurando de una revisión a ciegas) han sido seguidas.

Author Guidelines

1) The maximum length of the articles – including the scholarly apparatus – is around 70,000 characters with spaces included. The documents will have the same length and will be differentiated from the article by the reproduction of unpublished material with a brief preliminary study. The reviews, however, will deal with books published in the
current year or the immediately preceding year and will not be longer than 9,000 characters with spaces and notes included.

2) All material sent for evaluation must be presented in Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing. The top and bottom margin should measure 2.5 cm. and the right and left must be 3 cm. It is requested to use first line indentations of 1.25 and without paragraph separation or spacing. It is required not to use bullets, special line spacing or unusual details that make editing difficult. The work will have its pages
numbered in the footer on the right side.

3) The first page will include a summary in Spanish and an abstract in English, of
around 10 lines each and no more than five key words, in both languages. You must specify the problem studied, the objectives and its main contributions. They will be written with 1.5 spacing and in Times New Roman font, size 12.

4) The author's name and the full name of the work institution and its email address must be indicated on the right margin, below the title. The author's personal ORCID will be added below.

5) Charts, graphs, figures, maps, etc. will be sent in a separate file; numbered; in black and white and clearly indicating its position in the text. Charts and graphs must be in Word or Excel, photos, maps and plans in TIF or JPG format. The resolution of digital image files may not be less than 200 dpi, with 300 to 400 dpi being the most appropriate.

6) Textual quotes must be in regular font and between quotation marks. When they exceed three lines in length, they will be placed outside the paragraph, in Times New Roman font 10 centered and with a left indentation of 1.25 cm.

7) The work will be presented through the OJS platform or, otherwise, contact us by email [email protected]

8) The call to footnote will go immediately before the punctuatio mark. The notes must be placed at the foot of the page, in Times New Roman font size 10, with the automatic numbering and ordering system of the numbered text processor, observing the international standards of note-bibliographic referencing The Chicago Manual of Style, in its latest edition:

Books or parts of books:

From a single author:

First name Last name(s), Full title (City: Publisher, year), pages consulted.

María Angélica Corva, Establish the government, strengthen justice. The judicial power of the province of Buenos Aires (1853-1881) (Buenos Aires: Prohistoria, 2014), 45.

Two or three authors:
First Name Last Name(s) and First Name Last Name(s), Full Title (City: Publisher,
year), pages consulted.

Roberto Di Stefano and Loris Zanatta, History of the Argentine Church (Buenos Aires: Grijalbo-Mondadori, 2000), 203.

Chapters of books:

First Name Last Name(s), “Article Title”, in: Full title, edited/compiled/coordinated by First Name Last Name(s) and First Name Last Name(s) (City: Publisher, year), pages

Jorge Myers, “A revolution in customs: the new forms of sociability of the Buenos Aires elite (1800-1860)”, in: History of private life in Argentina, directed by Fernando Devoto and Marta Madero (Buenos Aires: Taurus, 1999), 87.

Magazine articles:

First name Last name(s), “Article title”, Magazine title, volume, nº number (year), pages consulted. [DOI or URL, if reference is taken from the internet].

Alejandro Agüero, “Clemency, forgiveness and dissimulation in the criminal justice of the Old Regime. Its praxis in Córdoba del Tucumán, 17th and 18th centuries”, Journal of Legal History, No. 32 (2004), 76.

File sources:
First name Last name(s) (if applicable), “Title of the document”, place and date (if applicable), in File acronyms, Section, Background, vol./leg./t., f. or ff. The first time the full name of the file is cited, the abbreviation in parentheses and, immediately, city-country

After the first citation, proceed as follows: Last name, two or three words of the title, pages consulted. Ibid., ibidem, cf. op.cit. nor.

Agüero, “Clemency, forgiveness and dissimulation…”, 43.

9) Authors must record their specific contribution to the article, using the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy), available at: This taxonomy aims to specify and give credit to all the roles that They are part of a research project and throughout the entire process that it entails. In this way, the work of all the agents who are part of a research project is accredited and not only results, but also processes, are made visible. It must be added with the personal data, institutional membership, email and ORCID of the author of the article.

10) The bibliographic reviews will be headed in the following order: name and surname of the author or authors of the commented book, title of the book (italics), place of publication, publisher and year of publication, number of pages; At the end of the note, name and surname of the author, followed by their email and institutional affiliation.

11) Thematic Dossier proposals will comply with the following standards:

11.1. The dossiers will have one or two coordinators and four to seven articles (each of them no more than 30 pages), with a presentation by the coordinator(s).

11.2. Dossier proposals must consist of the following documents: brief resume of the coordinators; summary of the topic and title of the dossier; name and surname of the participants and institutional affiliation; and summary of the content of each article that
makes up the dossier.

11.3. Once the dossier proposal is accepted by Temas, the expected date of publication will be indicated as well as the deadline for delivery of the original articles, so that the journal can proceed with its external evaluation. To do this, the coordinators will: send the Temas standards to the authors; they will gather and review the texts to check that
they comply with the standards; they will send the originals received to the magazine, accompanied by a presentation or introduction of the dossier. The coordinators can also
be article authors.

The opinions expressed in the signed collaborations are the responsibility of the authors.

Originals and copies received are not returned. With the publication of their work, the author will receive 2 printed copies of the Magazine.

Note: non-compliance with the rules expressed above will imply the return of the article submitted for publication.



Studies and bibliographic reviews


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