Development of Völkerpsychologie as the Overcoming of the Universalism/Particularism Tension Zone
psychogenesis, Völkerpsychologie, german ethnology, primitive thought, historico-genetic theoryAbstract
The evolution of philosophical thought in Germany, marked by the tension between Kant and Herder, served as a crucible for Völkerpsychologie, an interdisciplinary scientific area oriented by psychological and ethnological problems. Kant posited universal principles, while Herder emphasized cultural particularity. This dichotomy triggered the exploration of the Elementargedanken, statistics of elemental thoughts, with the research program of Adolf Bastian at the head of the current Ethnological Museum of Berlin, which led to extensive ethnological studies in the Amazon that resonate to this day with authors such as Karl von den Steinen and Theodor Koch-Grünberg. This article examines the works of Norbert Elias, Heinz Werner and Georg Oesterdiekhoff, among others, as developments of Völkerpsychologie that overcome the universalism/particularism tension zone by assuming the processual perspective provided by the linking of psychogenetic development with changes in the forms of organization of human life throughout history, placing special emphasis on the ethnographic data obtained by von den Steinen in his field work in central Brazil.
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