“Fuesse paral Papa et contól la sua fazienda”. The Exemplary Writing of Travel in Conde Lucanor


  • Juan Paredes Universidad de Granada


Travel books, Exemplo, El conde Lucanor


Taking into account that the travel motif organises the narrative material in Tales of a Parrot, Canterbury Tales or The Thousand and One Nights, the author analizes the structure of El Conde Lucanor from this point of view. A journey is explicit in the first and the last tales, as well as in the exemplo XXV, which constitutes a central episode in the dialoge between the count and his advisor. The travel motif contributes to connect every tale, to organise the episodic plot and to configure different types of journey: escatological, to the afterlife, initiatic, allegorical, celestial or fantastic. Thus, travel provides meaning, form and structure to the story and to every particular episode. 


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How to Cite

Paredes, J. (2019). “Fuesse paral Papa et contól la sua fazienda”. The Exemplary Writing of Travel in Conde Lucanor. Letras, 1(71), 27–40. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/LET/article/view/1750