Parliamentary sovereignty and prorogation of parliament : a fundamental decision of the Supreme court of the United Kingdom


  • Federico Mentasti Universidad de Morón


Judicial control, Prorogation, United Kingdom, Brexit


The prorogation of Parliament is just a political matter or an issue liable to judicial review? This paper deals with Parliamentary Sovereignty as a fundamental pillar of the unwritten United Kingdom constitution and the limitations of a Royal Prerogative in a Supreme Court fundamental decision.


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Author Biography

Federico Mentasti, Universidad de Morón

Abogado (Universidad de Morón). Profesor adjunto de Derecho Constitucional y de Historia de las Instituciones Jurídicas y Políticas Argentinas (Universidad de Morón). Profesor adjunto de Filosofía del Derecho (Universidad de Morón).


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How to Cite

Mentasti, F. (2021). Parliamentary sovereignty and prorogation of parliament : a fundamental decision of the Supreme court of the United Kingdom. Forum, (9), 101–148. Retrieved from



Parte II - Notas o comentarios