Los títulos de los reyes de León en los documentos medievales como reflejo de la continuidad del reino visigodo de Toledo
Middle Ages, Hispanic Empire, Leon, Castile, Titles of the kings, Continuity of the Visigothic KingdomAbstract
Based on the notion posed by S. Teillet that the Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo in its latter stages came to be fully identified with Hispania, as well as on the fact that there was real and evident continuity between the Visigothic Kingdom and the Kingdom of Asturias (although the Kingdom of Asturias is clearly a different reality from the Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo) as we have already demonstrated in previous papers, we have considered that the identification of Hispania with the regnum gothorum allows a more nuanced assessment of certain titles used by the kings of Leon, successors of the kings of Asturias. This paper specifically examines how the notion of continuity of this political entity with regard to the Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo, which is manifested in many aspects, is somehow expressed in the titles of its kings, who effectively were the successors of the kings of the Visigothic Kingdom of Toledo. For such a reason they did aspire to reign over the whole of the Peninsula, i.e. Hispania, and such aspirations are reflected in the titles given: rex or imperator Hispaniae, without possibility of affirming, as it has previously been done, that such titles merely reflected the neo-Gothic ideals elaborated in the late 9th century.Downloads
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How to Cite
Montenegro, J., & del Castillo, A. (2016). Los títulos de los reyes de León en los documentos medievales como reflejo de la continuidad del reino visigodo de Toledo. Estudios De Historia De España, 13, 13–36. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/EHE/article/view/76