Un ejemplo de poder monástico femenino: Las relaciones entre la villa de Tordesillas y el convento de Santa Clara


  • Cecilia Bahr Universidad Católica Argentina


Tordesillas, Monastery of Santa Clara, Political control, Economic expansión, Relations with the population, Rule of Tordesillas, Feminine power


The monastery of Santa Clara de Tordesillas represents an example of the feminine power in Castile during Late Middle Age. From his foundation it received the favors and the profession of the members of Royal Family, turned it powerful in the town of which it comprised, took and maintain it peculiar relations with its government –that is controlled– an its population. At the same time as it established certain dominion on the other feminine convents of his order by means of the imposition of his rule, independent of the franciscan superiors and episcopal power.


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How to Cite

Bahr, C. (2017). Un ejemplo de poder monástico femenino: Las relaciones entre la villa de Tordesillas y el convento de Santa Clara. Estudios De Historia De España, 10, 85–109. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/EHE/article/view/336


