Augustus: Representations, Representativeness and Otherness in the legitimation of Princeps’ power


  • Natália Frazão José Universidade Estadual Paulista/Franca


Principate, Augustus, Representations, Representativeness, Coins


Augustus, considered by many to be the first Roman Emperor, is the focus of numerous analyzes, which, in turn, exposes numerous facets of this ruler. This article proposes a brief essay about how discursive images and material creations, such as coins, were fundamental to legitimize the power of this Princeps, his representations and representativeness.


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How to Cite

Frazão José, N. (2021). Augustus: Representations, Representativeness and Otherness in the legitimation of Princeps’ power. De Rebus Antiquis, (9), 42–63. Retrieved from


