Homo donator in Caritas in veritate


  • Luis Zemborain Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina


self-organization, gift, ethics, norms, justice


The author analizes the gift economy presented in the Encyclical from different perspectives. In the first place, he addresses the concept of selforganization in relation to the market, community and State. Secondly, he presents a historical view of the gift. Thirdly, he relates justice with the gift economy and compares the treatment of the maximization and evolutionary theories. Finally, he shows the advantage of the gift economy in relation to the production of relational goods and proposes subsidizing donation till the corresponding social norm is


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How to Cite

Zemborain, L. (2019). Homo donator in Caritas in veritate. Cultura Económica, 27(75-76), 97–111. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/CECON/article/view/2575