Interactions between Reflection and Praxis in the History of Economic Thought. The Case of the Franciscan Circles from XIII Century Assisi to the Present


  • Daniela Parisi Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore




Daniela Parisi analyses the impact of the life of Saint Francis of Assisi, from the perspective of the history of economic thought. By referring in particular to the attention given in Franciscan circles to the signs of times, the author draws the path from Saint Francis’s life to the life of the Order until the present, and reveals the origins of the Franciscan movement as an attempt for social and religious reformation. First, the article presents St. Francis’s life of a “voluntary material poverty” in the context of the social and economic changes that took place in the XIII century, with the rise of the commercial society. Then, the author explains how St. Francis’ proposal grew into an Order. Finally, the article aims at illuminating the aspects in which the Franciscan Order can be still considered a sign of the times by living the commitment to poverty and minority, eliminating the superfluous from our lives and living close to the Gospel.


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How to Cite

Parisi, D. (2019). Interactions between Reflection and Praxis in the History of Economic Thought. The Case of the Franciscan Circles from XIII Century Assisi to the Present. Cultura Económica, 29(80), 29–40. Retrieved from