The Principled Executive


  • Michael Naughton University of St. Thomas




The article presents the problem of the business leader’s division between the public field of management and the private sphere of family and religious life. It notes the importance of the pontifical document to see this problem and try to establish ways to mitigate it. The author examines the concept of vocation for business in today’s world, which new leaders should possess in order to face the particular problems of the collapse of financial world after
the global economic crisis of 2008. Finally, it refers to the importance of education, especially within the framework of Catholic universities.


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Author Biography

Michael Naughton, University of St. Thomas

Doctor en Teología (U. Marquette); Master en Administración de Empresas (U. de St. Thomas). Director del Instituto John A. Ryan de Pensamiento Social Católico.



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Pablo VI (1965) Encyclical Letter Gaudium et spes. Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Roma.

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How to Cite

Naughton, M. (2018). The Principled Executive. Cultura Económica, 30(84), 25–28. Retrieved from