Evolution and Perspectives of Education in Argentina, Coverage and Quality


  • Cecilia Adrogué CONICET; Universidad de San Andrés
  • María Eugenia Orlicki CONICET; Universidad de San Andrés




The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the education situation of the argentine population in relation to other countries, and its evolution during the last years. It is observed that the "amount of education" continues being very important, though recently there has been a reduction in the enrolment in middle school, as well as a reduction in the enrolment of students in public primary schools. Moreover, the distribution is still very unequal –though less than other inequalities found in Latin America- and its quality, regarding international assessments, is poor in relation with other countries.


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Author Biographies

Cecilia Adrogué, CONICET; Universidad de San Andrés

Becaria postdoctoral (CONICET - Universidad de San Andrés). Doctora en Economía (Universidad de San Andrés). Master en Economía (UCEMA).

María Eugenia Orlicki, CONICET; Universidad de San Andrés

Doctora en Economía (Universidad de San Andrés). Master en Economía (UTDT).


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How to Cite

Adrogué, C., & Orlicki, M. E. (2018). Evolution and Perspectives of Education in Argentina, Coverage and Quality. Cultura Económica, 32(87), 35–49. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/CECON/article/view/1426