The Father of the Church and the woman apostle: (Pseudo)Epiphanius of Salamis and his interpretation of Rm 16,7
Epístola a los Romanos, Junia, Lista de discípulos, Interpretación patrísticaResumo
Since the beginning of the modern debate about the gender and apostolicity of Junia (Rm 16,7), numerous interpreters have resorted to the patristic interpretation of the passage to determine its meaning, leaving aside even the philological analysis of the New Testament Greek text. Detractors of Junia’s feminine gender have appealed to the statement of Epiphanius of Salamis (c. 315-403) in his Index Discipulorum, where Junia(s) is considered to be a man and Bishop of Apameia. This statement is regarded as historically reliable and proof that Junia was not a female apostle. Since an early Greek father like Epiphanius interpreted Romans 16,7 in this way, it is considered to be the most likely interpretation. This research analyzes the arguments put forward by the defenders of this position. Four conclusions are presented. In the first place, Epiphanius of Salamis is not the author the Index Discipulorum, but rather it is a medieval pseudo-epigraphical work. Second, the information provided by this work is not historically reliable, but rather fictitious and anachronistic in nature. Third, the work seems to present gender biases against the inclusion of women in the circle of disciples. Finally, it is concluded that the interpreters who appeal to this argument make a selective use of the available evidence.
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