Apuntes para una teología de la ciudad. En el camino de hacia una reflexión interdisciplinaria


  • Virginia Raquel Azcuy Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


ciudad, teología urbana, pastoral urbana, espiritualidad urbana.


Theology of the city is not a new issue in Latin American context, but surely not
yet treated with sufficient depth. In the context of increasing urbanization and profound
challenges faced by today’s Christianity, the city returs to claim the attention
of the churches and theology. This essay begins to reflect on some significant contributions
in urban theology and urban ministry in the areas of urban England and U.S.
It also offers some theological paths in view of interdisciplinary research, together
with some considerations relative to the method.


Não há dados estatísticos.



Como Citar

Azcuy, V. R. (2020). Apuntes para una teología de la ciudad. En el camino de hacia una reflexión interdisciplinaria. Teología, 46(100), 481–502. Obtido de http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/TEO/article/view/2785