“We Expected…” (LC 24, 21)


  • Luis Heriberto Rivas Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


Discipulado, Escrituras, Visión, Resucitado, Decepción, Esperanza


Fr. Rivas invites us to walk along the road to Emmaus with both Disciples and Jesus. His invitation leads from sadness and despair to trust and joy. Mankind makes short term plans and looks for immediate solutions. When they don’t take place, deceit, bitterness and lack of hope follow. This text reminds us that God has an eternal plan which shall be undoubtedly accomplished. Jesus did not come in order to establish an earthly reign but to develop God’s plan: to transform both the world and humanity.


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Como Citar

Rivas, L. H. (2016). “We Expected…” (LC 24, 21). Teología, 53(121), 147–165. Obtido de http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/TEO/article/view/1132