El genio femenino de Chiara Lubich.


  • Sonia Vargas Andrade Movimiento de los Focolares


Chiara Lubich, Woman, Church, Mystic, Charisma.


The Author presents in this article some aspects of Chiara Lubich’s personality, her
feminine genius which has made her one of the most influential women of our times.
In the first part she will focus on some of her writings in order to bring forward aspects
of her mystics and her charisma. In the second part, drawing elements from numerous
interviews wich she had with seminarians, priests and bishops, she will center
our thoughts on her relationship with the hierarchy. Finally in the third part she
shows some of the core texts of her charisma: trinitary relations as a model of malefemale



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Author Biography

Sonia Vargas Andrade, Movimiento de los Focolares

Pertenece a la rama de las focolarinas de la Obra de María, que constituye junto a los focolarinos la estructura portante del Movimiento.



How to Cite

Vargas Andrade, S. (2020). El genio femenino de Chiara Lubich. Teología, 46(98), 31–52. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/TEO/article/view/2881