The Concrete Universal. Theological Considerations on Globalization


  • Juan Manuel Duque Universidad Católica Portuguesa. Facultad de Teología


Universality, Globalization, Hospitality, Plurality, Religion


The starting point of the article is the universal dimension of the Gospel, as the foun- dation of the universality of Christianity. In the deepening of what this universality may mean, is explored the distinction between universality, as the basis of difference, and totality, as the origin of uniformity. It is from there that, on the one hand, a rela- tionship can be established between the universal vocation of Christianity and the process of globalization, which overcomes the reducing tribalism; and, on the other hand, it is perceived that a totalizing and uniformizing globalization does not corres- pond to the Christian sense of universality, which is personalizing and, therefore, dif- ferentiating, from personal and cultural concrete.


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Author Biography

Juan Manuel Duque, Universidad Católica Portuguesa. Facultad de Teología

El autor es decano y profesor de la Facultad de Teología de la Universidad Católica Portuguesa. Es investigador del Centro de Investigagáo em Teología e Estudos de Religiáo (CITER) y del Centro de Estudos Filosóficos e Humanísticos (CEFH), ambos de dicha Universidad



How to Cite

Duque, J. M. (2019). The Concrete Universal. Theological Considerations on Globalization. Teología, 56(128), 57–76. Retrieved from