“¿Cómo lees?"(Lc 10,26). Una pregunta a Michael Theobald


  • Andrés Francisco Di Ció Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


J. Ratzinger/Benedicto XVI, M. Theobald, Historical-Critical, Virginal Conception, Faith/History Relationship.


This paper goes into a critical dialogue with Michael Theoblad’s review of J.
Ratzinger/Benedict XVI third volume of Jesus of Nazareth. The answer here
attempted focuses on the burning issue of how Scripture should be read in the
Catholic Church. The historical-critical method is certainly essential but has
not the last word. Ignoring Church Tradition, as well as the limits of historical-
critical method, Theobald compromises in the name of science, truths which are relevant to the Christian faith, such as the virginal conception and Jesus’s corporal resurrection. How far is it possible to separate faith from historical fact?


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How to Cite

Di Ció, A. F. (2019). “¿Cómo lees?"(Lc 10,26). Una pregunta a Michael Theobald. Teología, 50(111), 159–168. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/TEO/article/view/1910