Hospice care as a spiritual accompaniment. Case Study: Hospice “San Camilo” (Olivos, Buenos Aires)


  • María Marcela Mazzini Universidad Católica Argentina, Facultad de Teología


Hospice, Spiritual Guidance, Care, Compassion, Palliatives


In this article I will present some results of an investigation about practices of popular spirituality in the Hospice San Camilo. From the perspective of spiritual theology and  after defining what I mean by spiritual guidance, especially in the end of life, I will make a brief introduction about the nature of palliative care. Then, I will describe the nature of Hospice care, particularly in the “House of Hope” (Hospice San Camilo). Finally I will discuss some features of this spiritual accompaniment, paying particular attention to the comprehensive, competent and compassionate nature of this kind of guidance, expressed in a special care. Finally I propose the metaphor of the wounded healer as a model of this support.


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How to Cite

Mazzini, M. M. (2017). Hospice care as a spiritual accompaniment. Case Study: Hospice “San Camilo” (Olivos, Buenos Aires). Teología, 54(122), 69–97. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/TEO/article/view/1114