Two Experiences of Theological Dialogue between Catholics and Lutherans in Latin America


  • Jorge Scampini Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


Ecumenism, Lutheran-Catholic theological dialogue, Latin America, Baptism, Eucharist


On occasion of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation and after fifty years of the international Catholic-Lutheran Dialogue, the author reflects the path taken in Latin America in the last decades. For this, after a presentation of the reality of both partners, especially the Latin American Lutheranism, he reviews the experience of the bilateral dialogue in Brazil and, later, in Argentina. In a diachronic presentation, the peculiarities and contributions of each one of these two experiences are recorded. In conclusion, some clues are pointed, taking into account the way already made and the challenges presented today by the Latin American context.


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Texto parcialmente reelaborado del tema presentado en el Seminario celebrado en Estrasburgo, en julio de 2016, con ocasión de los 50 años del diálogo católico-luterano y a publicarse próximamente en alemán en la obra colectiva en homenaje al Prof. Dr. Theo Dieter; cf. A. Birmelé

(Hrsg), Auf dem Weg zur Gemeinschaft. Festschrift für Prof. Dr. Theo Dieter zum 65. Geburtstag, Paderborn: Bonifatius/Leipzig, EVA (en prensa).



How to Cite

Scampini, J. (2018). Two Experiences of Theological Dialogue between Catholics and Lutherans in Latin America. Teología, 54(123), 101–123. Retrieved from