Resisting the hemlock. Philosophy in contemporary democracies




Philosophy, utility, uselessnes, humanities, democracy


The hemlock has gained its fame as the executioner of the legendary Socrates, whose death was a symbol of the importance and, at the same time, the danger of philosophy in a polis. Today, in a world governed by a utilitarian and productivist logic, the hemlock has become more subtle and less theatrical, though no less deadly. In contemporary states, philosophy and the humanities are branded as “useless”, compared to other fields of knowledge capable of providing tangible and marketable results. For these reasons, the humanities have been suffering from cutbacks and defunding in different parts of the world. But is philosophy as useless as the philosophers themselves tend to repeat, and are we not, by repeating this classic mantra, digging our own grave? My thesis is that the futility of philosophy is useless. Futility is nothing more than a refuge, a disguise. As Nietzsche denounced, philosophy for centuries disguised itself as useless and as an ascetic, indifferent to the mundane, in order to legitimize its own work. Paradoxically, its disguise today achieves the opposite effect: the attire that once generated respect and fear before others is today the reason why it is marked as something disposable.


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Author Biography

Mateo Belgrano, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Argentina

Mateo Belgrano es Doctor en Filosofía por la FernUniversität in Hagen (Alemania) y la UCA y Magíster en Historia del Arte Argentino y Latinoamericano por la Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Cuenta con una beca posdoctoral del CONICET y se desempeña como Profesor Adjunto en Estética (UCA) y Profesor Adjunto en Introducción a la Filosofía en UNLAM. Además, es director de la revista académica Tábano. Ha realizado diversas estadías de investigación en Alemania e Italia. Ha publicado los libros El oasis del arte en la filosofía de Martin Heidegger (SB, 2023), El gesto criptográfico (Miño Dávila, 2022) y numerosos artículos en torno a la filosofía de Heidegger y problemáticas estéticas en revistas académicas.


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How to Cite

Belgrano, M. (2025). Resisting the hemlock. Philosophy in contemporary democracies. Tábano, (25), e8.



Are the humanities (in)useful in the 21st century?