
  • Álvaro Vallejo Campos Universidad de Granada


normative ontology, love, friendship, Plato


In their analysis of love and friendship, Plato and Aristotle exhibit a great divergence in their philosophical methods. Aristotle takes into account the cultural phainomena and endoxa of his own society, while Plato does not hesitate to invert the most authorised opinions on behalf of a normative ontology which prescribes how things should be instead of accepting the plausible world of usual experiences. So love becomes in Plato’s thought a force capable of transforming the world and a passion which should constitute the fundament of the most profound friendship.


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How to Cite

Vallejo Campos, Álvaro. (2020). EL AMOR Y LA AMISTAD EN LA ONTOLOGÍA NORMATIVA DE PLATÓN. Stylos, 29(29), 74–94. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/STY/article/view/3350


