
  • Rodolfo Buzón UBA - CONICET
  • Christián Carman UNQ, CONICET


Geometrical Diagram, stemma codicum, manuscript, Aristarchus of Samos


In Ancient treatises of Geometry and Astronomy, diagrams played a much more important role in the course of the argumentation, than being just mere illustrations. However, in most of the critical editions, even those that compare numerous manuscripts and make a thorough analysis of the text, the diagrams are often redesigned to make them more intelligible to the modern reader, or, even worst, they are directly copied from previous editions. In this paper we show the differences between the diagrams of the manuscripts and modern representations, and how even small differences between manuscripts can help to establish the stemma codicum. We will use the diagrams in more than twenty manuscripts ranging from the ninth to the seventeenth century of the work of Aristarchus of Samos, Treatise of distances and sizes of the sun and the earth.


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A Vat. Gr. 204 saec. IX ex.

B Par. Gr. 2342 saec, XIV

K Vat. Gr. 203 saec. XIII

L Vat. Barb. Gr. 186 saec. XV

M Vat. Ross. 978 • saec. XVI

N Esc. y-I-7 saec. XVI (a. 1548circiter)

P Vat. Gr. 202 saec. XIII

Q Par. Gr. 2472 saec. XIV med.

Vat. Gr. 191 saec. XIII-XIV

Ambr. C 263 inf, saec. XVI med.


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How to Cite

Buzón, R., & Carman, C. (2019). LA TRADUCCIÓN MODERNA DE LOS DIAGRAMAS DE LOS MANUSCRITOS ANTIGUOS. Stylos, 24(24), 43–70. Retrieved from


