
  • Eduardo Esteban Magoja FFyL & Facultad de Derecho, UBA.


Socrates, philosophy, shamanism.


Dodds explains that during the seventh and sixth centuries BC in Ancient Greece shamanism was a phenomenon that had a strong presence in its culture. This set of beliefs also had influence on the thinking of fifth-century philosophers. For instance, shamanism could explain Empedoclesʼ vision about soul/body separation, techniques of spiritual concentration, and techniques of ecstasy.

The aim of this paper is to analyze how this “inherited conglomerate” may have influenced Socrates. We will see how it is possible to discover traces of shamanism that would allow categorizing Socrates as shaman and that at the same time do not conflict with the basic characteristics of the model of philosopher that has reached us today.


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How to Cite

Magoja, E. E. (2019). SÓCRATES: ENTRE FILOSOFÍA Y CHAMANISMO. Stylos, 27(27), 143–155. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/STY/article/view/2056


