
  • Alberto Daniel Anunziato Universidad Autónoma de Entre Ríos


Liber Prodigiorum – Julius Obsequens – prodigies – expiation – blood rains.


The Liber Prodigiorum is a compilation of events considered as prodigies in the Roman Republic extracted from the work of Livy. Modern studies have vindicated the social role of the report of prodigies and their expiation, refuting the traditional thesis that considers them as a sign of superstition that originates fear in the population and manipulation by the ruling class. A quantitative study of the events is carried out, distributing them into categories, which allows a qualitative analysis of the events proving that only a 8 % can be considered an invention. Evaluate the veracity of the events reported allows us to revalue this collection, usually underestimated, and even to use it as a historical basis for the investigation of events of which we are still unaware of its cause, which is exemplified by the "blood rains" and the recent hypothesis that relates them to meteorites since the one that happened in India in 2001.


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WARDE FOWLER, WILLIAM (1911): The religious experience of the roman people. London. McMillan and Co.


Julii Obsequentis quae supersunt ex libro de Prodigis cum animadversionibus Joannis Schefferi, et supplementis Conradi Lycosthenis. Curante Francisco Oudendorpio. Leyden. Samuel Luchtmans, 1720.

Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1959.


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How to Cite

Anunziato, A. D. (2019). UNA NUEVA MIRADA SOBRE EL LIBER PRODIGIORUM. Stylos, 27(27), 21–32. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/STY/article/view/2046


