
  • Roberto Sayar UBA


Semantic features – translation problems – IV Maccabees - Stoicism


To translate a text, as we all know, needs patience and a very accurate knowledge of the languages (and therefore cultures) involved in this process, because if the work to interpret contains in abstract notions the task could become particularly hard. That is what usually happens in texts that include purely Hellenic philosophical concepts, as their semantic extension, most times, can not match the word that would be the equivalent in the target language –especially when this is modern–. Plunged into this context, in this work we will try to propose and justify a translation, that differs from the commonly used in the Spanish versions, for an important element in the characterization of the Book IV of the Maccabees’ martyrs, the overly Greek virtue of ἀνδρεία.


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How to Cite

Sayar, R. (2019). MI VALENTÍA ES TU FUERZA. CONSIDERACIONES TERMINOLÓGICAS EN IV MACABEOS. Stylos, 26(26), 235–246. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/STY/article/view/2031


