
  • Daniel Gutierrez UBA


Hero and Leander, Musaeus, female character, masculine sight, literary construction.


The hexametric poem Hero and Leander of Musaeus presents two main protagonists. The external and internal description of the female character, Hero, seems to be shaped by the male sight, since its peculiar charm, which drives men mad, is defined not only through the poet's own impressions, but also it is through the male character, Leander. In this way, the poem can be seen as a lucid reflection on the intricacies not only of masculine desire but also of feminine, in representing the impossibility of satisfying both desires.


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How to Cite

Gutierrez, D. (2019). EL OTRO ROSTRO DE LA AMADA. PUNTO DE VISTA MASCULINO Y CONSTRUCCIÓN DEL PERSONAJE FEMENINO EN HERO Y LEANDRO DE MUSEO. Stylos, 26(26), 106–124. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/STY/article/view/2020


