
  • Fiorella Bacigalupe Capece Departamento Nacional de Español CFE ANEP Departamento de Filología Clásica FHCE UDELAR
  • Cristina Pippolo Griego Departamento Nacional de Español CFE ANEP Departamento de Filología Clásica FHCE UDELAR


latin, composition, syntaxis, Ovid


This paper presents the general characteristics of the LAR   proyect (Latinae radices), which sets to analyze word formation in the latin language –specifically, for this sections, which data gathered from a corpus of Ovid's works– and observe, in one hand the basic composition processes and the afixation processes, whilst also those that both give origin and allow the productivity of the lexicon. Taking in account an abbreviated dictionary, it both offers the lemmatization and explicits the meanings in accord to the tradition dictionary practices. Finally, it describes the basic syntactic structures selected from the observation of the predicate frames that defines each one.


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The Loeb Classical Library. London. Massachusetts.



How to Cite

Bacigalupe Capece, F., & Pippolo Griego, C. (2019). EL CORPUS OVIDIANO EN UN LEXICÓN VERBAL LATINAE RADICES (LAR). Stylos, 26(26), 19–32. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/STY/article/view/2011


