El tema de Antíoco y Seleuco en la Silva de varia lección de Pedro Mexía


  • Diana Fernández Calvo Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Argentina


Mexía, Pedro, 1496?-1552?; Moreto, Agustín, 1618-1669; LITERATURA ESPAÑOLA; TEATRO LIRICO; MUSICA


The Silva de varia Lección was written by Pedro Mexía and was published in Seville in July 1540. This publication is a valuable document that allows us to corroborate the interests, curiosities and intellectual expectations of educated readers of mid-sixteenth century, both in Spain and Europe at the time. In the third part, Cap. 13, the music is shown as a diagnosis in the case of lovesickness of Antiochus and commented by Mexía with the title: "In a strange medicine that was cured Faustina daughter of Antoninus Pius disease dishonest love there is." This issue had not appeared in Spain until the appearance of the Antiochus and Seleucus by Augustine Moreto. The narration of Mexía allows us to verify that the story had already reached the Spanish public at the time Moreto decides to revisit the issue. Also, this reference allows us to make an interesting intertextual and historical approach to the work found in San Antonio Abad de Cusco Seminary.


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How to Cite

Fernández Calvo, D. (2015). El tema de Antíoco y Seleuco en la Silva de varia lección de Pedro Mexía. Revista Del Instituto De Investigación Musicológica Carlos Vega, 29, 241–258. Retrieved from http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/RIIM/article/view/5935


