Francisco de Vitoria ideologist of imperialism? Critical review of some recent interpretations
Francis of Vitoria, imperialism, International Law, TWAILAbstract
In recent decades, accompanying the theoretical deepening on the subjects concerning empires and imperialism, an interpretation of Vitorian thought has been developed, particularly based on the Relectiones De Indis and De Iure Belli, that considers the Salamancan author an ideologist of Spanish imperialism, and his famous relectiones as a set of arguments that allowed Spain to exercise its power over American territories and Indians.
Some of these interpretations arise from postcolonial studies and others come from critical currents of International Law, particularly the so-called TWAIL (Third World Approach to International Law). This paper aims to present the core of these interpretations, conduct a critical analysis, and finally propose a reading of Vitorian texts under other hermeneutical keys.
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