Medicinal purposes of punishment and political common good in Saint Thomas: reflections into the crime of abortion


  • Juan Manuel Clérico Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales


Criminal Law, Purposes of punishment, Common good, Abortion


This article analyzes the relationship between the medicinal purposes of punishment and the political common good in Saint Thomas Aquinas, and reflects especially into the crime of abortion. In this regard, the article notes that in recent public debates on the subject of abortion the overall purpose of the penal law was not considered whatsoever. Also, in many cases, a wide range of the legitimate, good and necessary purposes were curtailed and even discredited, notably, those denominated “medicinal”. According to the text, these “medicinal” purposes are of particular relevance both because they reveal the principle of the primacy of common good and because they provide with instruments to address reality in view of the complex issue of abortion. In the same vein, the text highlights the need to take account of the worth and educational role of law, which contributes in the shaping of the cultural set-up of a certain society as well as in the transmission of traditional values, paramountly those of the primacy of common good and, associated with this, the value of life.


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Author Biography

Juan Manuel Clérico, Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales

Abogado. Especialista en Derecho Penal por la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia UniversidadCatólica Argentina “Santa María de los Buenos Aires” y doctorando de la misma Facultad. Profesor deDerecho Penal en la Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales


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How to Cite

Clérico, J. M. (2019). Medicinal purposes of punishment and political common good in Saint Thomas: reflections into the crime of abortion. Prudentia Iuris, (87), 19–36. Retrieved from



Part I. International Professorship Natural Law and Human Person

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