Al-Māŷarī y al-Yuḥānisī: Two expressions of sufism in the islamic west views from two hagiographics works, Maghrebian and Andalusian of the 13th century
Al-Māŷarī, al-Yuḥānisī, al-Minhāŷ al-wāḍiḥ, Tuḥfat al-Mugtarib, Sufism, sanctity, Maghreb al-AndalusAbstract
This study analyses the intellectual trajectory of two of the most prominent figures of Sufism in the Islamic West, al-Māŷarī and al-Yuḥānisī, through two hagiographic works written by their relatives: al-Minhāŷ al-wāḍiḥ, by al-Māŷarī's great-grandson, and the Tuḥfat al-Mugtarib by al-Yuḥānisī's brother-in-law and disciple/student/pupil. Apart from the fact that these two works, dating back to the 14th century, the protagonists were linked by a master-student relationship, the first a Maghrebi and the latter an Andalusian one, a fact that may help us to understand some of the characteristics of Sufism and saintliness on both shores of the Mediterranean. This work deals with two main aspects. On the one hand, it studies the biographies of the two protagonists, emphasising the intellectual trajectory of each, as well as their peculiarities. On the other hand, it presents reflections on the relationship between master-disciple, as two models and excellent examples of holiness in the Islamic West.
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