Cognición y usos figurados del lenguaje en el discurso jurídico: una propuesta de análisis de la sentencia del juicio por la Tragedia de Once
Idealised Cognitive Models, cognitive operations, legal language, figurative uses of languageAbstract
Idealised Cognitive Models (ICMs) are basic cognitive structures that allow us to organise knowledge and can be classified into propositional models or frames, image schemas, metaphors and metonymies. Cognitive operations are mental mechanisms that contribute to the inferential processes that are necessary to build a complete semantic representation of a linguistic expression or other symbolic resources. Within this theoretical framework, we analyse a wide sample of figurative uses of language present in the judgment delivered in case concerning the Once Tragedy (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 22 February 2012). We consider cognitive models to be the basis on which cognitive operations work to achieve a correct reception of the text by the addressees, a "correct reception" being an assimilation of all (or, at least, a significant part) of its expressive and conceptual richness.
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