La traducción de metáforas neológicas en los textos jurídicos de doctrina constitucional estadounidense
neological metaphors, translation procedures, legal scholar’s opinion on American constitutional textsAbstract
The main objective of this research is to examine the translation procedures that are most used by translators when translating neological metaphors in legal texts of constitutional legal scholar’s opinion in the United States. As far as we have been able to investigate within this field, the translation of this type of genre has not been explored as much as other legal genres. To this end, based on the metaphor translation model proposed by Zabalbeascoa (2002), and from the cognitive perspective of metaphors proposed by Lakoff and Johnson (1980), we attempt to respond to this objective. This study also explores other aspects such as the influence of the cognitive value and conceptual complexity of neological metaphors on translation procedures. Among the most important findings, we found that translators resort to the translation of the same metaphor in the target text or, failing that, to metaphors from another conceptual field and to foreign words accompanied by explanations such as translator's notes or use of metalanguage. Although the corpus of analysis is limited only to twenty-two neological metaphors created by the most representative and outstanding American legal authors, we hope to make a valuable contribution to this object of study.
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