EL REGALISMO BORBÓNICO EN VÍSPERAS DE LA REVOLUCIÓN DE MAYO Condicionamientos ideológicos en el episcopado rioplatense (1803–1809)


  • Juan Guillermo Durán Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina. Facultad de Teología


regalismo borbónico, vida religiosa, Compañía de Jesús, Revolución de Mayo, Carlos III, reforma, Carlos IV


Based on a detailed study of the available historical documents, the author
shows how Bourbon regalism had a notable effect on the development of the
independence movements, especially with Creole clergy and their connection
with the Spanish Crown. An analysis is made of the underlining ideological
suppositions and factors arising from the low esteem of ecclesiastical life, thecriticisms of royal patronage, the effects of the May Revolution and the clergy’s
active participation in it. Following that line, consideration is given to the
establishment of regalism in the strict sense, as well as the essential features of
the new juridical formulations and the connected regal rights. The basic characteristics of the reform program brought about by Charles III is also considered, with the effects on pastoral and ecclesiastic life which such reforms
brought about, including the teaching of both Christian doctrine and of philosophy
and theology, in the context of the anti-Jesuit climate at that time.
Following that it presents the confrontation of the Crown with Rome; the
contradictions in government of Charles IV and its intervention in the frustrated
implementation of the Caroline reforms, together with characteristics
and consequences of the policies of Charles III’s sucessor. Finally a consideration
is made of the consequences, in the pastoral field, of such policies with
regard to ecclesiastic appointments and the relationship between the Indian
hierarchy and local authorities.


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Como Citar

Durán, J. G. (2019). EL REGALISMO BORBÓNICO EN VÍSPERAS DE LA REVOLUCIÓN DE MAYO Condicionamientos ideológicos en el episcopado rioplatense (1803–1809). Teología, 49(107), 9–32. Obtido de http://649820.fgwnw.asia/index.php/TEO/article/view/1971


